
11 Dec 2023

Expanded VAT Exemption Now Includes Homes Valued at Rp 5 M—Exploring the Detailed Regulations

Expanded VAT Exemption Now Includes Homes Valued at Rp 5 M—Exploring the Detailed Regulations

The Indonesian government has recently broadened its scope of tax incentives pertaining to value-added tax (VAT) for prospective homebuyers. Initially targeting residences priced at a maximum of Rp 2 billion, this policy extension now encompasses properties valued up to Rp 5 billion. The intention behind this expansion is to sustain economic momentum amid prevailing global uncertainties. However, it's noteworthy that the VAT subsidy offered by the government remains limited to homes valued up to Rp 2 billion.


For houses falling within the price range of Rp 2 billion to Rp 5 billion, VAT obligations persist. The government's subsidy covers the initial Rp 2 billion of the property's cost. This tax incentive is applicable to the acquisition of a single house per individual's unique identity number (NIK) or taxpayer identification number (NPWP) from November 2023 until December 2024. The imminent issuance of the finance minister's regulations is expected this November, as they near the finalization phase.

The implementation of the VAT subsidy will unfold in two phases. Initially, a full 100% tax incentive will be extended from November 2023 to June 2024. Subsequently, a reduced 50% incentive will be in effect from July through December 2024.


In addition to these measures, the government has outlined plans to provide support for low-income households, offering assistance that covers administrative expenses associated with homeownership, including property and land acquisition fees (BPHTB), among other related costs, with a cap at Rp 4 million.

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