
09 Nov 2023

Crunching the Numbers on Early Home Mortgage Payoff: The Potential Savings Unveiled!

Crunching the Numbers on Early Home Mortgage Payoff: The Potential Savings Unveiled!

Many people opt for early repayment of Home Mortgage (KPR) loans to avoid the long-term burden of debt, often driven by concerns about aging.

The question arises: Is early KPR repayment a financially sound choice?

We could tell that as the loan tenure lengthens, the interest payments increase substantially. In fact, the cumulative interest can even exceed the original price of the house, potentially doubling it.

Some finansial planners agree that repaying KPR loan installments early can be financially advantageous, particularly considering the expected rise in KPR interest rates due to The Fed's policies and the anticipated interest rate hikes by Bank Indonesia through the end of 2023.

Calculating accelerated KPR repayment involves various components, including the remaining principal loan, current interest, accelerated repayment penalty fees, penalty administration fees, and potential late charges, usually ranging from 1% to 3% of the remaining principal loan.

To illustrate the difference between settling a KPR in the middle of the term versus adhering to the full tenure, let's take an example: a KPR with a price of 500,000,000, a 120-month tenure, a 3% interest rate, and the intention to pay it off in the 60th month.

The calculation is as follows:

  • Remaining Principal Loan and Current Interest:

- Monthly principal loan payment amount = Rp 4,167,000

- Monthly interest amount = Rp 15,000,000.

- Monthly installment payment amount = Rp 19,167,000

- Remaining unpaid principal loan = Rp 254,147,000

- Current interest = Rp 15,000,000

  • KPR Repayment Penalty: 2%

    - Penalty amount = Rp 5,082,94

  • Penalty Administration Fee: 3%

    - Penalty administration fee = Rp 15,000,000

The total amount for accelerated KPR repayment includes the remaining principal loan, current interest, accelerated repayment penalty fees, penalty administration fees, and late charges, if applicable, totaling Rp 289,229,940.


Conversely, if monthly payments continue as per the original tenure, the total payment would be:

- Monthly principal installment amount = Rp 250,000,000

- Monthly installment payment amount = Rp 1,150,020,000

Opting for early KPR repayment results in savings of Rp 860,790,060.

However, different banks may have varying calculation methods, and individuals looking to repay KPR early will require a significantly larger capital. Ultimately, the decision depends on individual needs and priorities.

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