
21 Nov 2023

Government's Drive for Livable Housing Development Around IKN: Here's the Data

Government's Drive for Livable Housing Development Around IKN: Here's the Data

The ongoing development of the Nusantara State Capital (IKN) persists, underscoring the indispensable need for residential accommodations surrounding the area to facilitate the community's activities.


The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (Kementerian PUPR) remains steadfast in its commitment to ensure suitable housing for the residents of IKN. Implementing a range of programs across various buffer regions, the ministry focuses on both landed and vertical housing, ensuring that the community benefits from the government's developmental efforts.


Iwan Suprijanto, the Director-General of Housing at the Ministry of PUPR, emphasized the broader scope of the IKN Nusantara development. It goes beyond infrastructure for administrative purposes; it encompasses the provision of dignified housing for its populace. This echoes Law Number 1 of 2011, which highlights the state's responsibility to provide habitable and affordable residences nationwide.


In executing this mandate, the Directorate-General of Housing actively engages in regionally aligned housing provisions, fostering community self-reliance.


The government, through the Housing Provision Implementation Center of the Directorate-General of Housing, oversees the construction of various housing types—flats, specialized residences, self-sustained homes—alongside essential infrastructure and public amenities, in accordance with Ministerial Regulation (Permen) PUPR Number 13 of 2020 outlining organizational frameworks.


Meanwhile, H Hujurat, Head of the Housing Provision Implementation Center Kalimantan II, emphasized their ongoing efforts to execute housing and settlement programs according to meticulously outlined agendas. Rigorous monitoring, evaluation, and reporting mechanisms ensure the effective implementation of housing construction initiatives.


Data from the Housing Provision Implementation Center Kalimantan II for 2023 highlighted comprehensive housing initiatives in the Kalimantan II region. In South Kalimantan, initiatives included the Self-Reliant Housing Stimulus Program (BSPS), elevating 975 uninhabitable units to habitable ones, Infrastructure, Facilities, and Utilities Program (PSU) across 15 low-income community housing locations, Flat Construction Programs, and Operation, Maintenance, Optimization, and Rehabilitation (OPOR) Programs.


In East Kalimantan, the Ministry of PUPR navigated BSPS and PSU Programs, accompanied by Flat Construction initiatives and OPOR Programs. Meanwhile, North Kalimantan witnessed BSPS, PSU Programs, and OPOR Programs.


Regarding housing infrastructure within IKN Nusantara, initiatives included Construction Worker Dwellings (HPK), Ministerial Residences, and the development of 47 tower flats for civil servants and defense personnel, as underscored by Hujurat in emphasizing the meticulous efforts directed toward comprehensive regional development.

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